A Very Special Spiritual New Year Lies Ahead

“The Light is around you and within you all the time. You are living and moving in the ocean of Light.” – Leonard J. Mountain Chief.

There is something immensely peaceful and joyous about the holiday season–not to mention how good it can feel to turn over a new leaf each New Year’s Eve. For many of us, this is a time of renewal. A fresh start!

Unfortunately, the universe will bring you ups and downs in 2016, as it always does. The comforting thing to remember is that if you trust in yourself and allow the Light to guide you through the rocky periods of your life. If you’re uncertain about how to face the challenges ahead of you over the next twelve months, allow me to provide you with some assistance.

I don’t believe that when you find an approach that works for you, you should keep it hidden. For several decades I’ve seen the fruits of my own spiritual labor, from my humble beginnings as an organic farmer to my current work as a professional writer. When you work in harmony with the universe and follow your soul’s most fervent desires, you walk straight into happiness and joy. You are consumed with it. The Light that Leonard J. Mountain Chief mentions in the above quote is more radiant than you might ever imagine.

Occasionally I’m asked, “Jay, how do you do it? How do you manage to remain so happy and at peace with your life?” The simple, brief answer is that I have simply reached a level of self-awareness that allows me to follow my instincts without fear or doubt. The Light does not disappear when you are walking through the darkness; it is only obscured for a while. And you can always find your way back.

It is my firm belief that many people are deeply unhappy due to their lack of understanding about their own souls needs. The sort of fierce passion that encouraged mystics in ancient times to wander into the desert is the same passion that stirs within each and every one of us.

Close your eyes. Meditate. Ask Spirit for an answer to the simple questions, “What would you have me do in 2016?” The answer may not arrive immediately or the way you expect it. It might not be a strong, overpowering sensation. It may simply be a quiet whisper that leads you in a strange and confusing direction. But it can be trusted far more than the everyday fears and worries that plague you.

Fear is a paralytic. It will keep you tracked in miserable situations—for years, decades… even the entirety of your life, if you refuse to make a change. We are not meant to live consumed by fear. Happiness is our natural state. The Light wants to be sought. Go out and chase it down.

As a professional writer, I have published a variety of books that discuss these topics and more. I wrote Open Spaces as a way of sharing my knowledge about the role spirituality plays in personal life changes. It is about the Native way to walk through life and make decisions- in a good way. If you’re interested in learning more about following your dreams and watching your life sore during 2016, please visit OneGlobePress.com and order this book. In addition, I wish you love peace and joy in your house and a new great start to 2016.


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